Monday, December 14, 2015


At this day and hour (December 14th, 2015), Typhoon Melor (Nona) has made landfall. To be more precise, it has made landfall on Monday morning in Batag Island, Eastern part of the Philippines, the main and second landfall is expected in Sorsogon province few time later.
According to the analysis, Typhoon Melor (Nona) will follow the same path as Typhoon Hayian (Yolanda). Although not as powerful (Yolanda was a super-typhoon) Melor is still a typhoon with all the strong winds it generates [with winds of up to 205 kph (95 mph)] and the volume of water it pours on the land.

As far as Davao City is concerned it is safe from any problem coming from typhoon Melor (Nona). Yet, it appear that a depression (named 97W for the moment) is forming following typhoon Melor and that depression could generate a strong storm system following a path straight in the direction of Mindanao, and Davao as well.

Although nothing says that Davao will have a direct hit, the city would still be under the heavy influence of that 97W system should it reach Mindanao. A lot of rain, strong wind... and all the danger associated with it. For the moment all eyes are on Typhoon Melor for good reasons, but we should not let our guard down because we live far from it.

Let's be clear, whether tomorrow, in one month, one year, or more, the day will come that Davao WILL BE HIT DIRECTLY by a strong typhoon. Three years ago, In December 2012, Mindanao (and Davao City) had a wake up call with super-typhoon Bopha (Pablo). Super-Typhoon Bopha (Pablo) was the strongest typhoon to EVER hit Mindanao with winds reaching 278KmH, so it happened already just three years ago... and it will happen again, it is and will be unavoidable whether we like it or not doesn't make any difference.

The problem in 2012 is that Dabawenos were taken by surprise by Super-Typhoon Pablo, and as a consequence NO ONE was really ready for it. In Davao, we can all say a big "Thank You !" to Mayor Duterte and the Authorities for their implementation of a 911 Emergency Service, but as the biggest city of Mindanao, it is a real problem for Davao that its inhabitants themselves were not prepared at all for what came. We can not always count on 911 to save us considering they would be overwhelmed by the situation should it happen again, but we can always do our best to save ourselves, or at least to protect ourselves and our family.

I know the Filipinos to be highly religious, no doubt about it, praying to ask help from the Heavens is a good thing to do, even an important thing to do at all time, but praying will go so far. The Heavenly Father will not do for us what we have the ability to do ourselves... and that is Scriptural. He doesn't like laziness and He clearly will not help us if we can do something about it ourselves. Of course we can not stop a typhoon it is not in our power, but we can prepare for it, and that is in our power, it is our responsibility. Is there not a verse saying,

"And if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the belief and is worse than an unbeliever."

We can provide safety through knowledge of what to do to our kids, close family or friends. So, we have to be ready, we have to prepared it is our duty.

  • By being prepared we help ourselves and those we love (So, do you love your family? Do you REALLY love your family? Yes? Then prepare and be ready)
  • By being prepared we also help the 911 Emergency Service by alleviating the pressure on their shoulder and give them the possibility to focus on helping those who need it the most, like the elderlies and the sick. 
  • By being prepared we could even become part of the Saving Team and help the 911 in their action.

Hopefully for us, three years ago, in December 2012, Super-Typhoon Pablo stopped at the "door" of Davao City, but what about about next time? What would happen if the depression system 97W now forming behind Typhoon Melor (Nona) becomes a new typhoon, but this time coming straight at Davao? Is Davao ready for a hit? More important are Dabawenos themselves prepared?

In future posts I will continue to educate readers about different hazards, what triggers them, and also give tips to everyone (Filipinos and non-Filipinos alike) to prepare for different disasters scenario, typhoons (hurricanes, cyclones) included.

In the meantime, don't let your guard down, remember Pablo!


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