Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Jojo vs Earthquakes (Part 4)

Let's continue our overview of our planet's inside.

In Jojo vs Earthquake (Part 3) I listed the four big layers composing Earth. In that part I also covered the Crust Layer. Today, going deeper and below the Crust, we meet the Mantle. 


The Mantle is the biggest part of our planet with its 2,900 Km (1,802 Miles) thickness, it represent 84% of the whole volume of the planet, and 64% of its entire mass. It is there that usually the big activity is going on : Convection current and Magma formation, as well as contribution to mountain formation (orogeny). 

The Crust itself, the part on which we live, is at the receiving end of that action resulting in earthquakes, volcanic activity, seafloor spreading, continental drift, and Plate Tectonic. 

The Mantle is also particularly hot, and the deeper you go, the hotter it gets. For instance, near the boundary between the Crust and the Mantle it is 1000°C (1832°F), on the other end, near the Mantle and Upper Core boundary, the temperature reaches 3700°C (6692°F).

Although it is considered, in simple general term, as one big solid layer, it is a misconception. Scientist have divided it in four different zones, each with really different qualities - Upper Mantle, Transition Zone, Lower Mantle, D'' 

Upper Mantle
That first zone, around 410 Km (255 Miles) thick, extend from the Crust to the Transition Zone. Mainly solid, it contains more fluid part (for instance, rock in thick liquid form like Lava) at the level of the asthenosphere (the part of the Mantle which is between the Crust and the Mantle).

Transition Zone
The second zone of the Mantle is around 250 kilometers thick (between 410Km and 660Km beneath Earth's Surface). In that zone, the rocks transforms and their crystalline structure changes radically. The rocks, although submitted to high pressure and heat, does not melt or disintegrate but they get way more dense.

Lower Mantle 
The third zone is called, simply enough, the Lower Mantle. Around 2,050 Km thick, it extend from 660km to around 2,700Km beneath Earth's Surface. That zone is hotter and denser than the two preceding zones. The Lower Mantle zone is still subject to a lot of debate and research.

D'' (D prime prime)
Finally, we arrive at the last and fourth zone of the Mantle called D'' (D double prime), a fancy name for another Transition Zone. I know it's a strange name, but they like it like that. That zone extend from 2,700Km to 2,900Km beneath the Earth's Surface (around 200Km thick). 

Because of its complexity D'', like the Lower Mantle zone, is still subject to debate and research.

Here we are, deep in the Earth, just at the boundary with the super hot Upper Core (they even gave a name to that boundary - the Gutenberg Discontinuity). So, next time we will jump into hot liquid nickel-iron toward the last layer of our dear planet.


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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Prepare Yourself - Shelter, Water and Food

In Prepare Yourself, Know the Basics! I touched superficially on different things to prepare to face any potential disaster.

Remember that, as a country, the Philippines sits right upon the Pacific Ring of Fire the most seismically active part of the world. Beside the Earthquakes, the Philippines knows some really active Volcanic area, is a country straight in the path of the West-Pacific Typhoon activity, prone to flooding, prone to landslide... And I only speak here about Potential Natural Disasters, not even the Human one.

Let's make a small historical list here of really big events to show how much prone to Natural Disaster the Philippines are. This list is just there to demonstrate a point about the potential hazards everyone living in the Philippines as to take into count (fill in the gap, since nearly every year there is some disasters in the Philippines). 

In every, I insist, in EVERY cases people were not prepared to face it. Why so? Do you find normal that between a disaster like Mount Pinatubo Eruption in 1991 and Super-Typhoon Yolanda in 2013 people still did not learn to be prepared for those things? After each disaster we witness the same pattern : Starvation & Looting. Do you know that you can prevent that for you and your family? 

Yes, you can, through a lesson that in more than 20 years, people still did not learn : BE PREPARED!

True, you can't prevent an Earthquake to happen, you can't prevent a Volcano to erupt and you can't prevent a Typhoon to strike. But, in our case, prevention is not about preventing a natural disaster to happen, it is about giving ourselves the mean to survive the disaster, and to go through with as less damage as possible for us and the one we love.

In this post I will make an overview of the three main items to always keep in mind in any potential disasters natural or man-made is these big three items - Shelter, Water, and Food. 


It could appear a strange thing that shelter is seen as more important than water. And as far as I know this is the order you will find on any Emergency Survival website. Well, in many ways it make sense. 

First the notion of shelter is to be taken in its general sense, more like a protection from outside elements. Those elements could be natural or human. In a state of emergency you need to be shielded from external danger. 
-  If there was a Typhoon going on, you would need to be protected from debris flying around.
-  If there was a looting going on you would have to protect your belongings (and all the Survival Food and Water you saved).
-  If it was a Drought going on you would have to protect your water supply and have some shadows to keep yourself from the Sun.

But, for sure, in every Emergency situation, you would need to protect the most important for you - your life, and the life of those you care of. So sheltering is extremely important and should be placed first in Emergency Preparation.


Beside the air you inhale, water is the most essential of all the things we need in life. Pretty simple, without water there is no human life possible on this planet. It is said that three days without water and you are dead. It is an average, but which hold true. 

The human body absolutely need water to work. The human body is made up of around 80% water, all the bodily function needs that water to support themselves, and that water balance in our body must be kept for the body to work correctly, if it doesn't the body has to take the water where it is, in itself. And that's the beginning of water depletion in your own body : dehydration.

It is advised to always have at minimum three days of water supply at hand in any situation. But two weeks is generally what survivalist will counsel to have because in the case of a disaster you can not rely on Emergency Services to reach you right away (What happened during Super-Typhoon Hayian/Yolanda is a perfect example of that).

Yet, be careful to take into account each individual you purpose to protect through preparation. The quantity of water which is advised is around 4 liters (1 gallon) per day per person. (and don't forget your pets if you have some). This is a minimum needed to stay in good condition... as far as water goes. 

But now, to really keep yourself in good condition you need to add something more to your body than just water, you need food.


Although this item is listed as the last one, it remain an important one.
Most of our energy comes from what we eat, be vegetables or meat we need them in our diet.

But in a Disaster situation that food we need so much could not be available for days. Again Typhoon Yolanda is a reminder of the extreme situation people could face. Without food, and out of desperation, people resort to looting and rioting... and even killing. 

One of the primal instinct of human beings is to survive, and for that people are ready to go to extreme they would never go to in normal situation. And that's the point, a disaster is, by definition, an abnormal situation, a glitch in the usual way things are going. Being prepared and ready for it is the wisest thing to do.

You should always have some food storage, and preferably things which doesn't spoil easily. This is true for every country, but especially in a hot and wet country like the Philippines. Remember, in case of a disaster chances are that there will be no electricity for a long time, and no electricity means no fridge working. So, in you Emergency Storage avoid things like fresh veggies, fresh fish and meat.
and go for can food and dry food.

Well, here we are. At the end of this post. Those three things mentioned above are what you always have to use as a foundation for your own welfare. You can't go far without food and water, and without a shelter you have no protection at all. 

Keep in mind, disaster is not just for your neighbor or some far away land. Nature doesn't know any frontiers or boundaries, an Earthquake, a Typhoon, or any other Natural Hazards will not stop and present its passport before entering the country. It will just go through whether we like it or not. 

The question is are you ready for the eventuality? PREPARE YOURSELF !


Useful Links
Basic Survival Skills
Awareness and Preparadness  Materials
Your Emergency Preparedness Guide


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Jojo vs Earthquakes (part 3)

After few days being on high alert due to ONYOK, things have got quiet again. No disasters of huge proportion except for a lot of rain in different places of Mindanao. There were flooded area, they were landslides as well, but as far as it is known there was no casualties at all. Really, it is great news.

I can now come back to blogging and continue my journey with you to understand more what Earthquakes are all about.

In Jojo vs Earthquakes (Part 2), when I was developing a little on Plate Tectonic, and the "why we have earthquakes?", I superficially touched about the inside of our planet mentioning that I would go deeper for each layer composing the inner part of our planet. As it had been promised it has to be delivered, so here we are.

"What Is Below Our Feet Precisely?"

In simple terms, four big layers makes up our planet. From top to bottom they are :

The Crust
The Mantle
The Outer Core
The Inner Core

In this post let's stop on the first layer


The Crust is a general term often used for the sake of simplicity, but even that is not totally precise. The more specific term is Lithosphere from which the Crust is simply the visible surface on which we live. I used those two terms inter-changeably in this post.

In many ways this layer is not really difficult to visualize since it is the one we walk on, we drive on, and where all living beings are living. On the Crust we have built our whole Human Civilization, that's where we grow our food, it is also where we find coal, diamonds, gold, iron, etc.  

The entire Lithosphere (remember the Crust is a simplistic term) is between 30 and 50km deep (70km in certain places). It seems a lot, but do we realize that compared to the rest of the planet the Crust is extremely thin?

A good analogy is the skin of an apple. Take an apple, and peel it. Once peeled cut the apple in two. Now take the skin you have peeled previously and compare the thickness of the peel with the thickness of one of the two half. Look at the difference. That's a good comparison between what the Crust is to the rest of the planet's inside. The Crust is like the skin of an apple, extremely thin. Another analogy could be that of an egg, the Crust being the shell of the egg. Compare to the inside, the shell is thin.

At first it does not make any difference to know this, but after a while, taking things in context, we can begin to realize that, considering the shear size of our planet in relation the smallness of the Crust, the power and energy inside our planet could destroy us easily. Compare to what is stored under our feet we humans are really nothing, and there is nothing we can do about it because we are the one living just above the burning cauldron. 

If the Crust was not broken here and there, the inside pressure of the Earth would wipe us out fast by exploding the surface. Our salvation comes through Plate Tectonic and the ability of the Continental Plates all over the world to move along. That mobility prevent any excessive pressure built-up against the Lithosphere.

Still, the Earthquakes are there to remember us that, although much pressure is release on a daily basis without us ever noticing it, not all the pressure is release equally on the Globe. Sometimes it is stuck along the Plate and after a while released in a big hick-up. As such, the Earthquakes are the main destructive power when it comes to the Crust itself on which we live.

However, beside the Earthquakes, the Crust is also pierced in many places. Those Earth's Piercing are the spot of what we call Volcanoes through which the magma can be spewed out. That same magma is the result of what is happening in the Mantle Layer. And that's what we will look into in the next post concerning the Mantle Layer.

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Friday, December 18, 2015

Emergency, Know Your Numbers!

At the time of my writing, virtually the whole island of Mindanao has been put on Warning Storm Signal with the Tropical Depression ONYOK on its way. Landfall should be around 8pm local time, in Surigao del Norte province.

In my previous post I made a general list of things to have in your Family Evacuation Kit.
One of those important things, beside the contact number of your family, are the Information Numbers to contact the Emergency Service.

Davao is blessed to have the only 911 service in the Philippines. So in case of emergency it is not difficult to know which number to contact in case of trouble.

Other numbers in Davao City should be kept preciously at hand

Buhangin Police Station : 2411000
Calinan Police Station : 2950119
PNP Camp Domingo Leonor : 166
San Pedro Police Station : 2264835
Talomo Police Station : 2971598
Toril Police Station : 2911633

Davao City Water District Emergency Hotline
2219412 / 2219413/ 2219414
Davao Light & Power Co. : 2293572
Davao Volunteers Fire Brigade : 2275433
Filipino Chinese Fire Fighters : 2272112
City Public Safety Company : (082) 221-0014
Mobile Patrol Group : (082) 224-1313
Traffic Group : (082) 296-0771

Beside Davao City's proper emergency numbers, the Philippines possess other numbers available


Other Nation wide numbers

To close this short post, her a good reminder in case of disaster ahead from the Red Cross

My turn to prepare for Tropical Depression Onyok.

Stay safe. And remember in case of Emergency, know Your Numbers!


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Prepare Yourself, Know The Basics !

Any disaster is already bad enough to deal with, but being taken by surprise by it makes it worse.

Consider that in time of disasters emergency services would be overwhelmed by people stranded in different places, the electricity and water supply would be cut for an undetermined amount of time, food supply would be very low, shops, malls and market closed and unable to sell anything to anyone.

This is not a movie scenario, this is a fact witnessed in nearly ALL disasters over the world. For those in the Philippines should we remember Super-Typhoon Yolanda and the starving and looting following it. The television (national and international) showed us again and again distressed people looking for water and food to feed their family. Electricity, water and food supplies impossible, not just for hours, but for days in a row. Emergency Services being unable to reach the victims and the stranded families. Whole communities isolated from the outside world with no access to basic needs.
What about you? Don't ever assume it will not happen to you where you are. If you live in the Philippines chances are that, sooner than later, you will have to face a disaster of Yolanda's Scale be a new typhoon or an earthquake. 

If you live in other countries don't assume nothing will happen where you are. Beside Natural Disasters, you also have Human Disasters which would have the same impact as the one listed above. A terrorist attack for instance on a large scale... 

Think about it, few days ago, the city I was born in, Brussels (Europe), was completely lockdown for few days following the terrorist attack in Paris because of terrorist threats. No one had ever seen something like that before, and certainly not me since I was born (more than 40 years ago). Hopefully, basic supply was still available, electricity, water, gas, food, everything was still easily accessible, but wisdom tells you that, in the unstable world we live in know, if it happened once it will happen again. Next time will supply still be as easily accessible? Are you ready to rely on that or you feel better being ready in case...?

As I mentioned in other posts, on this blog I will also share about things to know to prepare for any kind of disasters. In this post I will focus on the basics of the basics only. In subsequent posts each point will be addressed in more details.

The first thing to always keep in mind in any potential disasters, - natural or man-made, - is what is called the big three. 

The Big 3s

 -- Water
 -- Food
 -- Shelter

Those three things are what you always have to use as a foundation for your own welfare. You can't go far without food and water, and without a shelter you have no protection at all.

Now, what if you have to evacuate your living place? Well the "Big 3s" are still to be taken into consideration, but you also need an Evacuation Kit for you and your family. But before you prepare it, don't forget to count the number of people that your Family Kit will cover, and by the way, don't forget your pets neither if you plan to take them with you. They are living beings, so they need the "Big 3s" also.

The list below is my personal favorite made up after reading many different blog on emergency preparation. But you can develop your own as well. 

The Basic Family Evacuation Kit

  • Water
  • Food
  • Protection
  • First-Aid Kit
  • Fire Kit
  • Flashlight
  • Multi-purpose Tool
  • Radio
  • Cash Money
  • Family and Emergency Contact Information
  • Copies of Important Personal Documents
  • Cell Phones 
  • Hygiene

Finally, an aspect which is often overlooked in basic preparedness is "Knowledge". Having all sorts of things in your kit is one thing, but what if you lose part of it on your way? Could you go along and find a way to replace what has been lost? Can you use the First Aid Kit, the Fire Kit, or the Multi-Tool efficiently? And what if someone is wounded or have a heart attack, can you deal with it? In the basic kit of emergency you also need knowledge


  • Basic Medical Skills
  • Self-Reliance Skills
  • Outdoor Skills
  • Self-Defense Skills

These are the basics of the basics. With this you will certainly be better off than 80% of the people around you who takes things for granted. Look for yourself, the world we live in today has become highly unstable, whether it is natural or man-made things have seriously changed in the last 10 years. But are you ready for it?

All I can urge you to do is - Prepare Yourself, Know The Basics !


Why Did I Invite You?

Some of you will come on this blog because I invited them via Facebook.

I would like to give few words for those who come here to check why I invited them.

First and foremost let me welcome you and thank you for coming here.

Living in Davao City, Philippines, an Earthquake prone region of the West-Pacific Ocean, laying on the Ring of Fire, it led me to study deeper about the different natural hazards I could face in general - not just the Earthquakes, but Typhoons, Volcanoes, Landslide, Flooding, Tsunamis, etc, as well.

Although I've always had a high and distinctive interest about Earth Science since my childhood, and although I've read a lot of books and magazine articles throughout my life, I never had a practical reason to know more about Natural Hazards. That changed once I moved in Davao.

In the nearly 4 years of residing here, I had the "pleasure" of going through a good shake and through the effect of the strongest super-typhoon to ever hit Mindanao. What a joy :-)

In both occasions, the city was far enough from the main danger, but still had to go some undesirable effects - especially in 2012, with Super-Typhoon Bopha (Pablo) with the flooding resulting from all the water coming down from the higher ground and rushing into the Davao River, which, as you can guess, goes through the city of Davao.

In any case, this make me think seriously about what I could do on my side to prepare for those things and protect the one I love. As a matter of fact, as a native Belgian, I never had to face such potential deadly natural disasters. Belgium is far from Typhoon area, and not really an earthquake prone country. Yes, there are floodings, but not really on the scale known here.

But thinking about preparation for those things became simply an obligation and a duty with the birth of my son. Now, I have even more of a practical reason to learn about Natural Disasters and how to cope with it - what is called Disaster Management.

The blog I'm writing is dedicated to a journey of discoveries and preparation to face Nature's challenges wherever we live on this planet. It is not just for me, but for everyone who is interested to know more. Even if you are not in earthquake or typhoon territory, there are things to learn about preparation for disasters.

With that idea in mind, beside the title of my blog, Jojo in Davao is meant to be educational not only for Dabawenos, but for anyone who wants to learn more about our Planet's worse side when it unleashes its anger on all living beings. And that is why I invited you, to share with you what I learned on many different aspects of what Nature can unleash on Planet Earth, and what we, on our human side, can do about it. I will do my best to show what can be done, what should not be done, what tools to use, and also have a scientific approach on what is happening below our feet, above our heads, and everything in between in simple terms.

Feedback and comments are welcomed, but remember,dear Friends, I'm sharing what I learned, I'm a lay person, not Albert Einstein ;-)

Enjoy the journey. Mabuhay!

Monday, December 14, 2015


At this day and hour (December 14th, 2015), Typhoon Melor (Nona) has made landfall. To be more precise, it has made landfall on Monday morning in Batag Island, Eastern part of the Philippines, the main and second landfall is expected in Sorsogon province few time later.
According to the analysis, Typhoon Melor (Nona) will follow the same path as Typhoon Hayian (Yolanda). Although not as powerful (Yolanda was a super-typhoon) Melor is still a typhoon with all the strong winds it generates [with winds of up to 205 kph (95 mph)] and the volume of water it pours on the land.

As far as Davao City is concerned it is safe from any problem coming from typhoon Melor (Nona). Yet, it appear that a depression (named 97W for the moment) is forming following typhoon Melor and that depression could generate a strong storm system following a path straight in the direction of Mindanao, and Davao as well.

Although nothing says that Davao will have a direct hit, the city would still be under the heavy influence of that 97W system should it reach Mindanao. A lot of rain, strong wind... and all the danger associated with it. For the moment all eyes are on Typhoon Melor for good reasons, but we should not let our guard down because we live far from it.

Let's be clear, whether tomorrow, in one month, one year, or more, the day will come that Davao WILL BE HIT DIRECTLY by a strong typhoon. Three years ago, In December 2012, Mindanao (and Davao City) had a wake up call with super-typhoon Bopha (Pablo). Super-Typhoon Bopha (Pablo) was the strongest typhoon to EVER hit Mindanao with winds reaching 278KmH, so it happened already just three years ago... and it will happen again, it is and will be unavoidable whether we like it or not doesn't make any difference.

The problem in 2012 is that Dabawenos were taken by surprise by Super-Typhoon Pablo, and as a consequence NO ONE was really ready for it. In Davao, we can all say a big "Thank You !" to Mayor Duterte and the Authorities for their implementation of a 911 Emergency Service, but as the biggest city of Mindanao, it is a real problem for Davao that its inhabitants themselves were not prepared at all for what came. We can not always count on 911 to save us considering they would be overwhelmed by the situation should it happen again, but we can always do our best to save ourselves, or at least to protect ourselves and our family.

I know the Filipinos to be highly religious, no doubt about it, praying to ask help from the Heavens is a good thing to do, even an important thing to do at all time, but praying will go so far. The Heavenly Father will not do for us what we have the ability to do ourselves... and that is Scriptural. He doesn't like laziness and He clearly will not help us if we can do something about it ourselves. Of course we can not stop a typhoon it is not in our power, but we can prepare for it, and that is in our power, it is our responsibility. Is there not a verse saying,

"And if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the belief and is worse than an unbeliever."

We can provide safety through knowledge of what to do to our kids, close family or friends. So, we have to be ready, we have to prepared it is our duty.

  • By being prepared we help ourselves and those we love (So, do you love your family? Do you REALLY love your family? Yes? Then prepare and be ready)
  • By being prepared we also help the 911 Emergency Service by alleviating the pressure on their shoulder and give them the possibility to focus on helping those who need it the most, like the elderlies and the sick. 
  • By being prepared we could even become part of the Saving Team and help the 911 in their action.

Hopefully for us, three years ago, in December 2012, Super-Typhoon Pablo stopped at the "door" of Davao City, but what about about next time? What would happen if the depression system 97W now forming behind Typhoon Melor (Nona) becomes a new typhoon, but this time coming straight at Davao? Is Davao ready for a hit? More important are Dabawenos themselves prepared?

In future posts I will continue to educate readers about different hazards, what triggers them, and also give tips to everyone (Filipinos and non-Filipinos alike) to prepare for different disasters scenario, typhoons (hurricanes, cyclones) included.

In the meantime, don't let your guard down, remember Pablo!


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